
Welcome to ScottiesDIY for homeowners

This site is for DIY projects, “How To” articles, product and tool reviews for my fellow weekend warriors. Whether you are looking for a way to fix something, tackle a project or researching an idea, I hope you gain some knowledge while reading this site.

I am an every day home owner who likes to tinker with things and work on interesting projects. I have been a Do It Yourself guy for 35+ years and counting.   I have family and friends in different trades who I have learned from and am a self taught handyman.

This site helps me track my own progress and projects.  I am putting this site together because I want to provide my experiences with the hopes that someone else can learn something new.

Schluter Ditra Install
Sandless floor refinishing
Varathane Renewal

The information on is intended for informational and educational purposes. These are based on my experiences with different levels of skill sets, knowledge and information. Please consult with a professional and your local laws for any household related issues. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

The site also has other affiliate links or business relations. If there is a link to a product or service, may receive a small commission. This does not increase the price of the product or service you pay if you purchase a product. It simply helps keep this website online.


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